| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
March 2005
becquerel (Bq): The International System (SI) unit for activity of radioactive material. One becquerel is that quantity of
radioactive material in which one atom is transformed per second or undergoes one disintegration per second.
bioassay: The determination of the kinds, quantities, or concentrations, and, in some cases, locations of radioactive
material in the human body, whether by direct measurement or by analysis and evaluation of radioactive materials
excreted or removed from the human body [see 835.2(a)].
(1) The response or reading of an instrument relative to a standard (e.g., primary, secondary, or tertiary) or to a
series of conventionally true values; or
(2) The strength of a radiation source relative to a standard (e.g., primary, secondary, or tertiary) or
conventionally true value [see 835.2(a)].
company-issued clothing: Clothing provided by the company for non-radiological purposes, such as work coveralls and
containment device: Barrier, such as a glovebag, glovebox, or tent, for inhibiting the release of radioactive material
from a specific location.
contamination area: Any area, accessible to individuals, where removable surface contamination levels exceed or are
likely to exceed the removable surface contamination values specified in Chapter 2, Table 2-2, but do not exceed 100
times those values [see 835.2(a)].
continuing training: Training scheduled over a specified time, such as over a two-year period, for the purpose of
maintaining and improving technical knowledge and skills.
continuous air monitor (CAM): Instrument that continuously samples and measures the levels of airborne radioactive
materials on a "real-time" basis and has alarm capabilities at preset levels. Also referred to as a real-time air monitor.
contractor: Any entity under contract with the Department of Energy with the responsibility to perform activities at a
DOE site or facility [see 835.2(a)].
contractor senior site executive: The individual at a DOE contractor-operated facility or site who has final on-site
corporate authority and is often called President, General Manager, Site Manager, or Director.
controlled area: Any area to which access is managed by or for DOE to protect individuals from exposure to radiation
and/or radioactive material. [see 835.2(a)].
counseling: Advice, information exchange, and guidance provided to employees on radiologically related topics, such as
dose perspectives; potential health effects from radiation exposure; skin contaminations; contaminated wounds; internally
deposited radioactivity; pregnancy; and radiation exposure. This advice and guidance are normally provided by
knowledgeable, senior professionals from the radiological control organization and other organizations, such as Medical,
as appropriate.
critical mass: The smallest mass of fissionable material that will support a self-sustaining chain reaction under specified
critique: Meetings of personnel involved in or knowledgeable about an event (either a success or an abnormal event) to
document a chronological listing of the facts.
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