| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
March 2005
radioactive material area: Any area within a controlled area, accessible to individuals, in which items or containers of
radioactive material exist and the total activity of radioactive material exceeds the applicable values provided in appendix
4A of this Standard [see 835.2(a)].
radioactive waste: Solid, liquid, or gaseous material that contains radionuclides regulated under the Atomic Energy Act,
as amended, and is of negligible economic value considering the cost of recovery.
radioactivity: A natural and spontaneous process by which the unstable atoms of an element emit or radiate excess
energy and/or particles from their nuclei and, thus change (or decay) to atoms of a different element or to a lower energy
state of the same element.
radiography: Examination of the structure of materials by non-destructive methods, using a radioactive source or a
radiation generating device.
radiological area: Any area(s) within a controlled area (but not including the controlled area) defined as a "radiation
area," "high radiation area," "very high radiation area," "contamination area," "high contamination area," or "airborne
radioactivity area" [see 835.2(a)].
radiological buffer area (RBA): An intermediate area established to prevent the spread of radioactive contamination
and to protect personnel from radiation exposure.
radiological control hold point: Cautionary step in a technical work document requiring the radiological control
organization to perform some action or verification. The radiological control hold point requirements should be
satisfactorily completed before the work is continued.
radiological control technician: A radiological worker whose primary job assignment involves assessment of
workplace radiological conditions, specification of protective measures, and provision of assistance and guidance to other
individuals in implementation of radiological controls.
radiological label: Label on an item which indicates the presence of radiation or radioactive materials.
radiological posting: Sign, marking, or label that indicates the presence or potential presence of radiation or radioactive
radiological work: Any work that requires handling of radioactive material or access to radiological areas.
radiological work permit (RWP): Permit that identifies radiological conditions, establishes worker protection and
monitoring requirements, and contains specific approvals for radiological work activities. The radiological work permit
serves as an administrative process for planning and controlling radiological work and informing the worker of the
radiological conditions.
radiological worker A general employee whose job assignment involves operation of radiation producing devices or
working with radioactive materials, or who is likely to be routinely occupationally exposed above 0.1 rem (0.001 sievert)
per year total effective dose equivalent [see 835.2(a)].
real-time air monitoring: Measurement of the concentrations or quantities of airborne radioactive materials on a
continuous basis [see 835.2(a)]. Also see "continuous air monitor."
refresher training: Training scheduled in the alternate year when full training is not completed for Radiological Worker
I and Radiological Worker II personnel.
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