| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radioactive Materials
March 2005
PART 1 Radioactive Material Identification, Storage, and Control
411 General
Materials in contamination, high contamination, or airborne radioactivity areas shall be considered contaminated
until surveyed and released [see 835.1101(a)]. Any equipment or system component removed from a process that
may have had contact with radioactive material should be considered contaminated until disassembled to the extent
required to perform an adequate survey, surveyed, and shown to be free of contamination at levels exceeding the
Table 2-2 values. These survey and release provisions do not apply to airborne radioactivity areas where only
gaseous, short-lived (half-life of 1 hour or less) radionuclides are present. Detailed provisions for release of
materials from radiological areas are provided in Article 421.
Radioactive material located within radiological areas does not require specific labeling or packaging if sufficient
information is provided to allow individuals to take appropriate protective actions [see 835.606(a)]. The
information may be provided by means of postings, pre-job briefings, training, or other appropriate means.
The radiological control organization should develop response and notification requirements associated with a loss
of radioactive material, including searches, internal investigations, documentation, and reporting. The radiological
control organization should be notified in the event of a loss of radioactive material.
412 Radioactive Material Labeling
10 CFR 835 requires labeling of individual containers of radioactive material and radioactive items except under
certain specified conditions in which existing postings and control measures provide adequate warning [see
835.605(a) and 835.606(a)].
Postings and access control requirements for radiological areas generally provide sufficient personnel protection to
negate the need for individual container or item labeling; however, items having removable contamination in excess
of the Table 2-2 values should be labeled when used, handled, or stored in areas other than contamination, high
contamination, or airborne radioactivity areas.
Required labels shall include the standard radiological warning trefoil and the words "Caution" or "Danger" and
"Radioactive Material" [see 835.605]. The "Danger" heading should be used when an individual exposed to, using,
or handling the material could receive a dose equivalent exceeding any applicable administrative control level in
one hour. The radiation warning trefoil shall be black or magenta and imposed upon a yellow background [see
835.601(a)]. Magenta is the preferred color for the trefoil and the lettering.
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