| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Standards
March 2005
PART 2 Contamination Control and Control Levels
Control of radioactive contamination is achieved by using engineering controls and worker performance to contain
contamination at the source, reducing existing areas of contamination, and promptly decontaminating areas that become
221 Personnel Contamination Control
Article 338 provides personnel contamination monitoring requirements and guidance. This guidance is not relevant
to individuals exiting areas containing only radionuclides, such as tritium, that cannot be detected using hand-held
or automatic frisking equipment.
Monitoring for contamination should be performed using frisking equipment that can detect total contamination at
or below the values specified in Table 2-2. DOE encourages the use of automatic monitoring units that meet the
above requirements.
Individuals found with detectable contamination on their skin or personal clothing, other than noble gases or natural
background radioactivity, should be promptly decontaminated as described in Article 541.
222 Contamination Control Levels
A surface is considered contaminated if either the removable or total surface contamination is detected above the
levels in Table 2-2. Controls shall be implemented for these surfaces commensurate with the nature of the
contaminant and level of contamination [see 835.1102(b)]. Appropriate postings and controls are established in
Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this Standard.
Surfaces exceeding the values of Table 2-2 for total contamination may be covered with a fixative coating to
prevent the spread of contamination. However, reasonable efforts should be made to decontaminate an area before
a coating is applied. A fixative coating should not be applied without the approval of the radiological control
manager or designee.
Appropriate controls for areas of fixed contamination are provided in Article 224.
For areas with contaminated soil that is not releasable in accordance with DOE's environmental protection
standards, a soil contamination area should be established that:
Is posted as specified in Article 238.
Meets the requirements of Article 231.1 through 231.8.
Soil contamination areas may be located outside a radiological buffer area.
223 Airborne Radioactivity Control Levels
Use of engineering and administrative controls to reduce the potential for internal exposure should be evaluated
before allowing individuals, with or without respiratory protection, to enter areas with airborne radioactivity.
Posting requirements for areas with airborne radioactivity are specified in Article 235. Values of Derived Air
Concentrations are provided in 10 CFR 835.
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