| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Training and Qualification
March 2005
PART 5 Other Radiological Training
651 Management Training
Training and education standards for line managers of radiological control programs (or elements of those
programs) should be consistent with DOE-STD-1107-97, Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for Key Radiation
Protection Positions at DOE Facilities.
Line managers (DOE and contractors) who manage, supervise, or provide oversight of radiological control
programs would generally be considered to be subject to the education, training, and skill requirements of 10 CFR
835.103 and should be trained in the principles of this Standard. DOE has sponsored development of three core
courses appropriate for these individuals. These courses are, RadCon Manual Training for Managers, Higher Level
Training for Supervisors, and Radiological Assessors Training.
Such training should be based on DOE's core course training materials supplemented by site-specific procedures
and be completed by new personnel prior to formally assuming line supervision and management responsibilities.
This training should include the following:
Guidance on handling such personnel interactions
Emphasis on being factual
Fundamentals of communicating risks
Importance of keeping management informed.
Incumbents should participate in continuing training. The continuing training should emphasize self-assessment
and external evaluations including performance indicators, root causes, and lessons learned based on operational
652 Technical Support Personnel
Appropriate technical support personnel (engineers, schedulers, procedure writers) may be considered to be subject to the
education, training, and skill requirements of 10 CFR 835.103 and should be trained in the ALARA fundamentals and
dose reduction techniques. They should also participate in selected portions of job-specific and specialized training,
particularly in situations using mock-ups. Technical support personnel should receive training consistent with DOE-
HDBK-1110-97, ALARA Training for Technical Support Personnel.
653 Planners
Planners who develop detailed work plans involving or associated with radioactivity or radioactive materials should have
Radiological Worker Training to the level required by the workers using the work plans. It is recommended that planners
have Radiological Worker II training. Planners would generally be considered to be subject to the education, training,
and skill requirements of 10 CFR 835.103. Planners should receive training consistent with DOE-HDBK-1110-97,
ALARA Training for Technical Support Personnel.
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