| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Health Support Operations
March 2005
PART 6 Instrumentation and Calibration
561 Standardization
DOE encourages standardization on the use of commercially-available radiological instrumentation.
562 Inspection, Calibration, and Performance Tests
Radiological instruments shall be used only to measure the radiation for which their calibrations are valid [see
835.401(b)(2)]. ANSI N323 provides appropriate comprehensive guidance for establishing and operating a
radiological instrumentation calibration program. Calibrations should use National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) traceable sources.
Calibration procedures should be developed for each radiological instrument type and should include frequency of
calibration, pre-calibration requirements, primary calibration requirements, periodic performance test requirements,
calibration record requirements, and maintenance requirements.
All radiological monitoring instruments, including pocket and electronic dosimeters and area radiation monitors,
shall be maintained and calibrated on an established frequency [see 835.401(b)(1)]. Calibration frequencies should
be determined in accordance with National Conference of Standards Laboratories Recommended Practice RP-1,
Establishment and Adjustment of Calibration Intervals.
The effects of environmental conditions, including interfering radiation, on an instrument shall be known prior to
use [see 835.401(b)(3)].
Operational tests should be used to assess instrumentation designs that include alarms or that involve a process
control. An operational test should be developed to test all components involved in an alarm or trip function and
performed at least annually.
In unusual and limited situations it may be necessary to use an instrument in an application other than that
envisioned by the manufacturer. Special calibrations should be performed for use of instrumentation outside
manufacturer's specifications. The instrument should be adjusted, calibrated, and labeled to identify the special
conditions and used only under the special conditions for which it was calibrated.
Measures should be implemented to ensure that individuals using an instrument can verify its calibration status.
Instruments whose "as found" readings indicate that the instrument may have been used while out of calibration
should be reported to the radiological control organization. The radiological control organization should review
surveys performed with the instrument while it was out of calibration and consider the need for additional surveys.
563 Maintenance
A program for preventive and corrective maintenance of radiological instrumentation should be established and
Preventive and corrective maintenance should be performed using components and procedural recommendations at
least as stringent as those specified by the manufacturer of the instrument.
Radiological instruments should undergo calibration prior to use following any preventive or corrective
maintenance or any adjustment that voids the previous calibration. A battery change is not normally considered
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