| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radioactive Materials
March 2005
PART 6 Support Activities
461 Control and Monitoring of Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing
Except for disposable, single use items, protective clothing designated for radiological control use should be
specifically identified by color, symbol, or appropriate labeling.
Protective clothing designated for radiological control use should not be used for non-radiological work.
Personal protective equipment and clothing should not be stored with personal street clothing.
Cleaned personal protective equipment, such as face shields and respirators, that comes into contact with the
wearer's face and company-issued clothing (other than protective clothing used for contamination control purposes)
should be surveyed prior to use. Contamination levels should be below Table 2-2 total contamination values prior
to reuse.
Laundered protective clothing should be surveyed and should meet the following criteria prior to reuse:
Beta-gamma radioactivity less than 10,000 dpm/100 cm2
Alpha radioactivity less than 1,000 dpm/100 cm2 for transuranics and other alpha emitters in the same Table
2-2 category, and less than 10,000 dpm/100cm2 for uranium.
Sites and facilities are encouraged to continue efforts to reduce contamination levels on reusable personal protective
equipment and clothing.
462 Laundry
Clothing and equipment should be laundered according to facility, color, type, and level of contamination.
Laundry activities should be performed using processes that control worker dose and minimize the volume of
waste generated.
Clothing and equipment should be screened before laundering to segregate those that are damaged, present special
handling problems, or require disposal.
Waste streams that contain soaps, detergents, solvents, or other materials which could interfere with processing
large-volume liquid waste streams should be segregated for separate processing.
Contracting for fully licensed laundry services should be considered.
Cleaned personal protective equipment and laundered protective clothing should be periodically inspected.
Clothing should be free of tears, separated seams, deterioration, and damage, or repaired in a manner that provides
the original level of protection.
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