| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Excellence in Radiological Control
March 2005
Assure that you are mentally alert and in physically sound condition.
Limit the amount of material taken into contaminated areas to minimize radioactive waste and future
Have necessary materials and equipment on hand to complete your task, thereby minimizing time and
Notify radiological control personnel of the presence of open wounds, sores or rashes before entering
an area where contamination exists and exit immediately if a wound occurs while in such an area.
Properly remove personal protective equipment and clothing to minimize the spread of
Frisk or be frisked for contamination when entering an uncontaminated area after exiting
contamination, high contamination, or airborne radioactivity areas and associated radiological buffer
areas and notify radiological control personnel when contamination is found.
124 Radiation and Risk Communications
Due to the continuing concerns of many individuals related to low radiation exposure and health impacts, managers
should be trained to deal with personnel perceptions concerning radiation risks. Managers and first-line supervisors
should be sensitive to the fact that workers have to understand the fundamentals of radiation, its risks, and their role in
controlling exposure. It is not sufficient to rely solely on regulatory limits for establishing or defining acceptable work
practices and work environments.
Appropriate training in accordance with Article 651 is helpful in dealing with workers who have anxiety about
Some individuals, such as those who have had internal depositions of radionuclides, may be concerned about future
doses. Such instances warrant special attention on the part of the manager. Counseling with such individuals is the
preferred way to consider relevant factors. In some cases, special control levels as described in Article 216 should
be applied.
125 Conduct of Radiological Operations
This Standard is consistent with the provisions of DOE 5480.19, Conduct of Operations Requirements for DOE
Facilities. The concepts of all chapters of DOE 5480.19 apply to the conduct of radiological control activities.
Managers at all levels should be involved in the planning, scheduling, and conduct of radiological work. Assurance
of adequate radiological safety should not be compromised to achieve production, remediation, or research
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