| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Excellence in Radiological Control
March 2005
133 Radiological Control Performance Reports
The radiological control manager or designee should provide a monthly summary report to the contractor senior site
executive for sites which exceed an annual collective dose of one person-rem. This report should include indicators
of progress toward achieving the radiological control goals established in accordance with Article 131. Examples
of performance indicators that provide a more detailed analysis of performance are identified in Table 1-1. The
monthly report should provide performance indicators for the month, as well as tracking and trending for the prior
twelve-month period.
The radiological control manager should provide appropriate performance indicator information to supervisors and
managers on a frequent enough basis to permit management of radiological control performance. The frequency
should be consistent with the nature of the workload and the potential for exceeding the established goals.
To promote worker awareness of radiological control performance, selected indicators related to their work group
should be posted in the workplace.
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