| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Standards
March 2005
For a declared pregnant worker who chooses to continue work involving occupational exposure:
The dose limit for the embryo/fetus from conception to birth (entire gestation period) as a result of the
occupational exposure of the declared pregnant worker is 500 millirem [see 835.206(a)]. The dose to the
embryo/fetus is equal to the sum of doses received from external doses, sources inside the mother, and sources
inside the embryo/fetus.
Measures shall be taken to avoid substantial variation above the uniform exposure rate necessary to meet the
500 millirem limit for the gestation period [see 835.206(b)]. Efforts should be made to avoid exceeding 50
millirem per month to the declared pregnant worker.
If the dose to the embryo/fetus is determined to have already exceeded 500 millirem when a worker notifies her
employer of her pregnancy, the worker shall not be assigned to tasks where additional occupational radiation
exposure is likely during the remainder of the gestation period [see 835.206(c)].
Table 2-1 Summary of Occupational Dose Limits
General Employee: Whole Body (internal + external) (TEDE) [see 835.202(a)(1)]
5 rem/year
General Employee: Lens of the Eye (external) [see 835.202(a)(3)]
15 rem/year
General Employee: Skin and extremities (external shallow dose) [see 835.202(a)(4)]
50 rem/year
General Employee: Any organ or tissue (other than lens of eye) (internal + external)
[see 835.202(a)(2)]
50 rem/year
0.5 rem/
Declared Pregnant Worker: Embryo/Fetus (internal + external) [see 835.206(a)]
gestation period
Minors: Whole Body (internal + external) (TEDE) [see 835.207]
0.1 rem/year
10% of General
Minors: Lens of the eye, skin, and extremities [see 835.207]
Employee limits
The weighting factors in Appendix 2B shall be used in converting organ dose equivalent to effective dose equivalent for the whole body dose
[see 835.203(b)].
The annual limit of dose to "any organ or tissue" is based on the committed dose equivalent to that organ or tissue resulting from internally
deposited radionuclides over a 50-year period after intake plus any deep dose equivalent to that organ from external exposures during the
year[see 835.202(a)(2).
Exposures due to background radiation, as a patient undergoing therapeutic and diagnostic medical procedures, and participation as a subject in
medical research programs shall not be included in either personnel radiation dose records or assessment of dose against the limits in this Table
[see 835.202(c)].
See Appendix 2C for guidance on non-uniform exposure of the skin.
Whole body dose (TEDE) = effective dose equivalent from external exposures + committed effective dose equivalent from internal exposures
[see 835.2(a)].
Lens of the eye dose equivalent = dose equivalent from external exposure determined at a tissue depth of 0.3 cm [see 835.2(a)].
Shallow dose equivalent = dose equivalent from external exposure determined at a tissue depth of 0.007 cm [see 835.2(a)].
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