| DOE-STD-1104-96
(e.g., LCOs or administrative controls). The technical bases for these judgments should
be documented as part of the review, and summarized in this section of the SER.
Conditions of Approval
Conditions of approval should be written in such a manner that the conditions required to
be met and the actions required to be implemented are clearly articulated. Durations,
implementation periods, and/or completion dates should also be specified so that it is
clear when compliance with the condition of approval is expected to occur. The reason
for including any conditions of approval should be clearly stated in the SER, as well as
the basis for the conclusion that continued operation under the condition of approval is
acceptable and consistent with adequate protection of workers and the public.
Whenever a compensatory measure is needed to ensure appropriate safety levels are
maintained while a temporary condition of approval is in effect, that compensatory
measure should be clearly articulated in the SER and it becomes part of the facility safety
4.12 Records
This section provides references to the essential records, documentation, and information
generated throughout the review process. This may include reference to records of: (1)
the review plan and schedule; (2) minutes of review meetings, including meeting with the
facility contractor; (3) dates and the results of facility walkthroughs; (4) submittal of issues
and their disposition; (5) documentation generated in resolution of issues; and (6)
documentation regarding commitments made by the facility contractor for approval of the
DSA and TSRs. References should be complete and accurate enough to locate
necessary information during future revision and review activities, if needed.
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