| ![]() DOE-STD-1120-2005/Vol. 2
This volume contains the appendices that provide additional environment, safety and health (ES&H)
information to complement Volume 1 of this Standard. Volume 2 of the Standard is much broader in
scope than Volume 1 and satisfies several purposes. Integrated safety management expectations are
provided in accordance with facility disposition requirements contained in DOE O 430.1B, Real Property
Asset Management. Additionally, the collection of appendices in Volume 2 provides guidance that
supplements various safety basis practices described in Volume 1. Since Volume 2 has a broader focus
than safety basis requirements, it applies to all phases of facility disposition (i.e., facility deactivation,
surveillance and maintenance, and decommissioning).
Appendix A provides a set of candidate DOE ES&H directives and external regulations, organized by
hazard types that may be used to identify potentially applicable directives to a specific facility disposition
activity. Appendix B offers examples and lessons learned that illustrate implementation of ES&H
approaches for facility disposition and environmental restoration. Appendix C contains Integrated Safety
Management System (ISMS) performance expectations to guide a project team in developing and
implementing an effective ISMS and in developing specific performance criteria for use in facility
disposition and environmental restoration. Appendix D provides guidance on Inactive Waste Site (IWS).
Appendix E discusses nuclear safety risk ranking and control selection. Appendix F presents a sample
readiness evaluation checklist.
Appendix D and E were not covered in the Volume 2 of DOE-STD-1120-98. Additionally, some
appendices from DOE-STD-1120-98 have been deleted in the current revision of the standard. A
synopsis of appendices that were removed or consolidated with another appendix is provided in the
following table.
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