| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Air Concentration
Duration (hours)
Intake =
Air Concentration *
Breathing Rate * Time
DAC = The airborne concentration for radionuclides listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR
835, taking into consideration the Clearance Class (D/W/Y) expressed in Ci/mL or
Air concentration = airborne radioactivity in units of Ci/mL or Bq/m3
If air sample results are representative of air breathed by individuals, then doses can
be calculated using the 5-rem stochastic limit for CEDE (HE,50) or the 50-rem
nonstochastic limit for committed tissue dose equivalent (HT,50) and the respective
stochastic or nonstochastic DAC or ALI conversion factor, as shown below:
H 50
(DAC - hours) * Dose Limit
2000 DAC - hours
Intake* Dose Limit
H 50
If respiratory protection is worn by workers, the appropriate respirator protection
factor may be applied to the above calculations (i.e., dividing the calculated result by
the protection factor.)
General air sampling programs should be augmented by breathing zone sampling
when air concentrations to which individuals are exposed might be highly variable.
Breathing zone sampling may include both fixed-location and personal (lapel) air
samplers. Personal air samples are more likely to be representative of actual exposure
conditions than are samples collected at fixed locations, and can be particularly
useful for assessing potential intakes involving short-term exposure to well-
monitored air concentrations.
Dose assessment involves collecting and analyzing information concerning a potential
intake and developing a conclusion regarding the magnitude of intake and its associated
committed dose equivalents. Dose assessments are conducted by investigating the nature of
a potential intake and by analyzing bioassay measurement results or other pertinent data.
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