| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
-- nasal smear activity levels
-- sputum and/or mouth contamination.
The special bioassay monitoring program is initiated following a known or suspected
intake. This information is needed for dose assessment and future exposure management.
The intake is confirmed if follow-up bioassay measurements indicate positive measurement
results. Additional bioassay measurements may be needed to quantify the intake and
provide data for determining the effective dose equivalent. The frequency of bioassay
monitoring will depend on the specific case to be evaluated. Selection of the appropriate
sampling frequency is based on the previously discussed performance capabilities for
workplace monitoring program, consultations with internal dosimetry specialists, and the
cooperation of the affected employee.
The management at the plutonium facility should be prepared to follow an
emergency action plan for response to a plutonium intake. If a worker accidentally
inhales or ingests plutonium or is injured by a plutonium-contaminated object, the
action plan should be initiated immediately. A rapid response is important because
any delay in implementing appropriate action could lessen the effectiveness of
decorporation therapy and increase the probability for internalized plutonium to
deposit on bone surfaces.
Medical Response Plan
The health physicist and medical staff must establish an emergency action plan for
the appropriate management of an accidental intake of plutonium. The elements of
the plan should include the following:
-- Decision levels for determining when monitoring data or accident events require
emergency medical response
-- responsibilities of the affected worker, health physicist, medical staff, and
management or supervisory personnel
-- instructions for immediate medical care, decontamination, monitoring, and
longer-term follow-up response
-- provisions for periodically reviewing, updating, and rehearsing the emergency
action plan.
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