| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Plans and Procedures
Facility nuclear criticality safety plans and procedures are important
components of the overall facility operation. These documents provide the
means by which the program is conducted and prescribe how nuclear
criticality safety is to be achieved. These plans and procedures identify
how both the administrative activities are to occur and how the technical
aspects of nuclear criticality safety analysis are conducted. The purpose of
procedures is to facilitate the safe and efficient conduct of operations. The
processes of procedure development, review, training, and approval have
sufficient controls to ensure that nuclear criticality concerns are properly
addressed. These controls include the periodic review and reaffirmation of
these procedures, ensuring that procedure deviations are properly
investigated and reported to facility management and, if appropriate, to
DOE. The controls should also mitigate the possibility of such deviations
Procedures should exist that address the determination and posting of
nuclear criticality safety parameters. These procedures should include a
description of how the limits are to be determined and how workstations
are to be posted as to form, geometry controls, mass limits, moderator
limits, etc.
Inspections and audits are performed to assess the success of the nuclear
criticality safety program. The audits must be performed by qualified
individuals who are independent of the operation. They are conducted to
verify that operating procedures and other safety standards are being
followed and to identify any weaknesses in the nuclear safety program.
Deficiencies identified in these inspections and audits must be formally
addressed, tracked, reported, and resolved.
ANSI/ANS-8.20 (ANSI, 1991) provides guidance for development of
nuclear criticality safety training plans and procedures for personnel
working with or near fissile materials. This program and its associated
procedures should describe the program, training requirements,
recordkeeping, content, responsibilities, and objectives of a facility nuclear
criticality safety program.
Nuclear Facility Safety Analysis
Safety analysis reports document the analysis and the potential
consequences of accidents and abnormal occurrences at nuclear facilities.
For those facilities which process, store, and handle plutonium and other
fissile materials, nuclear criticality safety analysis is a required element of
the facility safety analysis report. The process includes the identification of
hazards in the facility (including nuclear criticality safety hazards), the
identification and development of potential scenarios involving nuclear
criticality concerns, the development of failure modes and the potential
effects of the accident, and the consequences of the accident. This safety
analysis report, and the associated technical safety requirements, should
document both the entire nuclear criticality safety program and the analysis
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