| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
A cadre of operating and maintenance personnel that has experience in the operation of a
plutonium facility should be established during the construction of a new facility. The
remainder of the operating and maintenance staff should be hired as soon as possible and
should receive formal and informal training from the experienced personnel. This step is
extremely important to enable all personnel to grow with the facility and learn the details of
the operations. Once operations start, potential problems already should have been
identified and engineering or administrative changes should have been made to resolve
Staffing in the radiological control organization requires technicians and professionals in
many support areas. A successful health physics program is highly dependent on the
availability of adequate staff support in areas such as environmental monitoring, instrument
maintenance and calibration, internal and external dosimetry, meteorology, safety analysis,
and risk management.
Professional Staffing and Qualifications
The senior staff of the radiological control organization should include health
physicists and other professionals with four-year degrees in science or engineering.
A continuing training program should be established for facility personnel. Pursuit
of certification by the American Board of Health Physics for senior and
professional staff members is encouraged (DOE, 1994a).
At least one professional staff member at the plutonium facility should have a
minimum of three years of health physics experience in the operation of plutonium
Technician Staffing and Qualifications
Recommendations for minimum entry-level requirements for RCTs are given in the
DOE standard, Radiological Control, Ch. 1. (DOE, 2004), and DOE STD-1122-
99, Radiological Control Technician Training, Reaffirmed 2004, (DOE, 1999c).
They include a high school education or equivalency and knowledge of certain
scientific fundamentals. If a two-year degree in nuclear technology or an equivalent
discipline is locally available, completion of such a program should be encouraged.
Where possible, the Radiological Control Technicians (RCTs) and other members
of the health physics staff should have a minimum of one year's experience
working at a plutonium facility. Such experience is an important prerequisite to
allowing them to work unsupervised. Personnel hired without such experience
should work an internship of six months under the leadership of a qualified RCT or
supervisor with experience in that facility.
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