| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Table 6.6.
Gamma Dose Rates Measured with an Arm Phantom Placed Inside Gloves Dusted
with Plutonium Dioxide Powder
Gamma Dose Rates, mrad/h
Neoprene Glove
Lead-Loaded Glove
10.0 + 0.4
9.5 + 16
Back of Hand
21.8 + 1.3
5.4 + 0.3
22.6 + 0.7
9.0 + 0.6
22.5 + 0.6
5.8 + 0.4
34.5 + 0.2
6.7 + 0.4
16.7 + 0.2
3.6 + 0.6
17.5 + 0.4
5.3 + 0.4
11.4 + 0.1
3.7 + 0.4
4.4 + 0.3
Bottom of humerus
3.5 + 0.2
3.6 + 0.4
Lower mid-arm
6.7 + 0.5
3.4 + 0.2
Lower mid-humerus
2.1 + 0.2
2.9 + 0.3
Upper mid-arm
4.6 + 0.1
2.3 + 0.4
Upper mid-humerus
1.0 + 0.1
1.4 + 0.3
Top of arm
0.8 + 0.2
3.7 + 0.3
Top of humerus
1.1 + 0.3 Calculated Photon Dose Rates
It is very difficult to accurately calculate dose rates from plutonium
because of the wide range of photon energies and the relatively low
abundance of photons. Most of the photons are of relatively low
energies, usually below 425 keV, which are easily shielded. For heavily
shielded spectra, the high-energy photons from decay progeny become
very important, as well as the high-energy photons from plutonium,
which have very low abundances.
For this reason, there are only a few computer codes that give accurate
dose rates for plutonium. Many computer codes do not calculate the
photons from progeny from radioactive decay. Others do not include the
high-energy photons which have very low abundances, but which
become very important for massive shields. One must check the photon
libraries to make certain that the higher-energy photons are included.
Also, many point kernel codes may not give accurate results for thin
shields because low-energy build-up factors are not very accurate.
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