| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Administrative Control Factors
Administrative control factors are the combination of personnel, programs, plans,
procedures, training, audits and reviews, and quality assurance practices which are
used to administer a nuclear criticality safety program. Administrative controls are
used in addition to engineered controls or design features to ensure nuclear criticality
safety of facility operations. Administrative control factors are outlined in
ANSI/ANS-8.19 (ANSI, 1984). An effective nuclear criticality safety program
requires a joint effort by managers, supervisors, plutonium workers, and nuclear
criticality safety staff and relies upon conformance with operating procedures by all
involved personnel. The following sections describe the key requirements of a
nuclear criticality safety program from ANSI/ANS-8.19.
Nuclear Criticality Safety Program
Management shall develop a nuclear criticality safety policy and ensure
that it is distributed to fissile material workers. They also delegate authority
to implement the policy, monitor the nuclear criticality safety program, and
periodically participate in audits of the program. Supervisory staff shall
ensure that nuclear criticality safety procedures are written and that staff is
trained in those procedures. The nuclear criticality safety staff shall provide
technical guidance for the design of equipment and processes and for the
development of operating procedures. A nuclear criticality safety
evaluation shall be performed by the nuclear criticality safety staff before
starting a new operation with fissile materials or before an existing
operation is changed. An independent evaluation of the technical adequacy
of the nuclear criticality safety program shall also be performed
Nuclear Criticality Safety Organization
Like the radiation protection program, the nuclear criticality safety
organization should have a reporting line to the highest level of facility
management independent of operations. The nuclear criticality safety
organization shall have the responsibilities and authorities of its staff
clearly delineated and communicated to the other facility personnel. Lines
of interaction and interfaces with other facility organizational components
should be clearly defined, both organizationally and procedurally. In any
case, the responsibility for nuclear criticality safety should be assigned in a
manner that is compatible and consistent with the other safety disciplines.
The organization should also contain an independent nuclear criticality
safety review committee and have access to consultants to assist in the
conduct of the criticality safety program.
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