| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
The basic requirements for a D&D program at a DOE facility are found in Section 5 of
DOE Order 5820.2A, Radioactive Waste Management (DOE, 1988b). Planning for facility
decommissioning should be initiated during the design phase for new facilities and before
termination of operations for existing operational facilities (see Section 5,3.a.(2), of DOE
Order 5820.2A). DOE Order 5820.2A divides the discussion of requirements into several
time periods: pre-operational and operational activities, post-operational activities, D&D
activities, and post-decommissioning activities. To assist in D&D activity planning the
Office of Environmental Management distributed the "Decommissioning Resource
Manual." Refer to that document for guidance.
Requirements relating to occupational radiological protection include (this is not an all
inclusive list, facilities must determine the applicable set of requirement):
DOE Order 430.1A, Lifecycle Asset Management (DOE, 1998d), contains the
requirements by which all DOE projects must be managed; It requires that a project
management plan be developed for major system acquisitions and major projects and states
that environment, safety, and health technical requirements for project design and
implementation should be included in the work-plan section of the project management
Safety analysis reports (SARs) typically do not need to be written to cover D&D activities
for those facilities that are currently shut down or will be shut down in the near future [see
DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports (DOE, 1992d)]. Only a
decommissioning plan would be required. (However, a "Bases" for Interim Operations is
required for facilities not yet shut down to continue operations.) The requirement for a
decommissioning plan will apply for a large number of the plutonium-contaminated
facilities that are awaiting decommissioning. For new or operating facilities, provisions for
D&D need to be included in the new or updated SAR.
This section concentrates on decontamination techniques to be used in the final
decommissioning of a plutonium-contaminated facility for unrestricted release.
Some of these techniques are similar to those used during routine operations (e.g.,
some equipment and building surface decontamination). Contamination detection
methods are similar for routine and D&D operations and are discussed in Chapter
10.4.1 Equipment and Surface Decontamination
Decontamination of surface areas may be as simple as hosing off the floors
with water, washing surfaces with detergent and water, or wiping with
household dust cloths. Waste material generated from decontamination
activities (e.g., water and wipe material) must be contained and disposed of
as radioactive waste. For some locations, vacuuming the surfaces may be
appropriate. If vacuuming is used, HEPA-filtered vacuum systems are
required to keep airborne radioactive material out of the vacuum exhaust.
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