| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Posting and Labeling
The requirements for posting and labeling of working areas because of the
presence, or potential presence, of radiation and/or radioactive material are
specified in 10 CFR 835, Subpart G (DOE, 1998a). Guidance in implementing the
regulatory requirements can be found in G 441.1-10, Implementation Guide.
Posting and Labeling for Radiological Control (DOE, 1999d), and the standard,
Radiological Control, Ch. 1. (DOE, 2004). Conformance of conduct of operations
requirements should assure a reasonable degree of uniformity in the posting and the
signs used, as well as verifying that operator aids and other posted information do
not interfere with necessary radiological posting. It is necessary to formally review
posting of radiological areas in the same manner that the posting of operating aids
is reviewed, in conformance with DOE Order 5480.19, Ch. 2 (DOE, 2001c).
Calibration of Instruments
The status of installed and portable radiological instruments should be well known
and appropriate to the use. (Calibration of radiological instruments is discussed in
Section 3.5.2.)
"Ownership" of installed radiological dose rate and airborne contamination
monitoring instrumentation should be well known and the responsibility and
authority for calibration, repair, and notification clearly established. Because such
information is often used by more than one group, formal notification procedures
should be established to cover those times when the instrument is out of service or
beyond the required calibration schedule. Configuration control and quality
assurance requirements for installed systems should be established commensurate
with their safety significance.
For portable instrumentation, conduct of operations requirements are normally built
into the routine calibration and survey program. Functional checks are routinely
made to verify calibration, instruments are checked to assure that they are within
the calibration period, and survey procedures require identification of the
instruments used so that if a problem is later found, measurements can be repeated.
Conduct of operations does not, in itself, contain requirements on auditing.
Inspections, audits, reviews, investigations, and self-assessments are part of the
checks and balances needed in an operating program. Auditing is one of the many
tools that line management has at its disposal to identify problems. Regulation 10
CFR 835.102 requires internal audits of all functional elements of the radiation
protection program no less frequently than every 3 years. These audits are to
include program content and implementation. Each one of the 18 topics addressed
in DOE Order 5480.19, Ch. 2 (DOE, 2001c) should be subject to both internal self-
assessment and external auditing to assure effective implementation of their
requirements. Any deficiencies identified should be documented and corrective
actions aggressively pursued and tracked to completion. The self-assessment and
audit process should include conducting trend analyses and root cause evaluations
of deficiencies and communication of results throughout the organization.
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