| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
In addition, each site that handles radioactive materials and/or radiation generating
machines is required to establish and maintain its own documented radiation protection
program, following the Federal regulations.
Radiation protection programs include provisions for quality assurance, administrative
controls, protection of visitors, visits by regulatory personnel, and onsite packaging and
transportation of hazardous materials.
Quality Assurance
It is highly desirable for laboratories and industrial facilities handling plutonium to
have a well-integrated quality assurance program. Such a program should have
high visibility and strong management support. Quality assurance should be
effectively applied throughout facility activities, including the radiation protection
program. The basis for quality assurance programs in DOE facilities is established
in 10 CFR 830, Nuclear Safety Management (DOE 1994p). In addition, 10 CFR
830.120, Quality Assurance Requirement, requires the development of a Quality
Assurance Program, specifies an implementation schedule, and provides the
elements that the program must address.
An effective quality assurance program for radiation protection will include
establishment of appropriate standards of performance for essential activities and
equipment, with an effective system of documentation and traceability of those
activities and of the use of the equipment. Proper maintenance of those records will
be necessary for reference purposes.
Administrative Controls
In any facility that handles radioactive materials, the major controls protecting
workers, the public, and the environment are structures and installed equipment,
which shield, contain, and confine the radioactive materials. However, to allow
useful work to be performed in the facility and to assure that its protective features
remain effective, a number of administrative controls are ordinarily required. These
administrative controls are usually contained in a series of procedures related to the
operations and maintenance activities to be carried out in the facility. All personnel
who work in controlled areas should be familiar with the administrative controls
that apply to their work. When changes or additions to administrative controls are
made, these changes or additions should be effectively communicated to all persons
who may be affected.
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