| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
(Dionne and Baum, 1992) Dionne, B. J., and J. W. Baum, eds. 1992. Proceedings of the
Department of Energy ALARA Workshop. CONF-920468. Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Upton, New York.
(DOE, 1980) U.S. Department of Energy. 1980. DOE Decommissioning Handbook.
DOE/EV/10128-1. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1981) U.S. Department of Energy. 1981. Site Development Planning Handbook.
DOE/AD/06212-1. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1983) U.S. Department of Energy. 1983. Environmental Regulatory Guide fro
Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance. DOE/EH-0173T. Washington,
(DOE, 1992a) U.S. Department of Energy. 1992. DOE Emergency Management Guide.
Guidance for Hazards Assessment. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1992f) U.S. Department of Energy. 1992. Site Development Planning. DOE Order
4320.1B. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1992g) U.S. Department of Energy. 1992. Technical Safety Requirements. DOE Order
5480.22. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1993b) U.S. Department of Energy. 1993. Natural Phenomena Hazards Performance
Categorization Guidelines for Structures, Systems, and Components. DOE-STD-1021-93.
Washington, D.C.
Environment. DOE Order 5400.5, Ch. 2. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1994a) U.S. Department of Energy. 1994. Assessment of Plutonium Storage Safety Issues
at Department of Energy Facilities. DOE/DP-0123T. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1994h) U.S. Department of Energy. 1994. Maintenance Management Program. DOE
Order 4330.4B. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1994m) U.S. Department of Energy. 1994. Real Property Management. DOE Order
4300.1C. Washington, D.C. Please note: This DOE Order will be canceled when DOE Order
430.1 is implemented (DOE 1995k).
(DOE, 1994n) U.S. Department of Energy. 1994. Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulation, Part
1008. Records Maintained on Individuals (Privacy Act). 10 CFR 1008. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1994o) U.S. Department of Energy. 1994. U.S. DOE Annual Report on Waste Generation
and Waste Minimization Progress, 1991-1992. DOE/S-0101. Washington, D.C.
(DOE, 1994r) U.S. Department of Energy. 1994. Natural Phenomena Hazards Site
Characterization Criteria. DOE-STD-1022-94. Washington, D.C.
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