| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Safety Basis Analysis
A contractor who is responsible for the design, construction, or operation of DOE
nuclear facilities, as designated in writing by the Program Secretarial Officer, is
required to perform a safety analysis. The safety analysis shall evaluate the
adequacy of the safety basis for each facility. Safety basis is defined as the
combination of information relating to the control of hazards at a nuclear facility
(including design, engineering analyses, and administrative controls) upon which
DOE depends for its conclusion that activities at the facility can be conducted
safely. The level of safety analysis to be performed must be commensurate with the
magnitude of the hazards being addressed, the complexity of the facility and/or
systems being relied upon to maintain an acceptable level of risk, and the stage of
the facility life cycle. The safety analysis report (SAR) defines the safety basis,
document the logic of its derivation, demonstrate adherence to the safety basis, and
justify its adequacy. Included in this process is evaluation of the design features
and their contribution and/or mitigation to the safety basis. The SAR and the
analyses performed describes the design basis accidents considered, the risk-
dominated accident scenarios that have been analyzed, and the measures taken to
eliminate, control, or mitigate the consequences. The design elements discussed in
DOE Order 420.1a, Facility Safety (DOE, 2002a), shall also be considered.
Structural design including loading combinations and construction of critical items
should, as a minimum, be in accordance with current editions of pertinent
nationally recognized codes and standards. All other facility design features shall
conform to applicable criteria and to other site- or process-specific criteria
developed for the facility.
The structure and its associated critical equipment and the ventilation, electrical, fire
protection, and utility systems shall be designed to limit the release of radioactive materials
during design-basis accidents postulated for the facility.
The structural design, the load combinations, and the construction of critical safety and fire
protection features should be in accordance with the latest edition of applicable nationally
recognized codes. When local codes or regulations are more stringent than the nationally
recognized codes, the local codes should be followed.
Tornado Resistance
Critical operating areas of the facility should be designed to withstand the design-
basis tornado. Specific information on site-specific tornado hazard curves,
rotational speeds, elastic or plastic design methods, and other design criteria are
provided in UCRL-53526 (Coats, 1984).
If site-specific hazard model studies are not available, a hazard model should be
developed that is consistent with the approach used in UCRL-53526 (Coats, 1984).
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