| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
the process or operation is infrequently used and competence training cannot assure
adequate implementation; or
to document the approved method to implement specific processes or operations.
In evaluating the need for written procedures, consideration should be given to the level and
extent of the radiological hazards, the complexity of the measures required to achieve compliance, and the
education, training and skills of the individuals who must implement those measures. Under such a
regimen, a low hazard activity employing a stable staff of highly educated and skilled workers having
demonstrated an advanced knowledge of radiation protection principles and practices could have fewer
and less detailed procedures than a higher hazard activity employing a transient workforce with less
knowledge of radiation protection practices and principles. The DOE G 441.1 series of Guides provide
additional guidance regarding specific procedural aspects of the RPP.
All radiation protection procedures and controls should have formal, recognizable technical bases
for limits, methods, and personnel protection standards. Procedures should be adequately documented,
updated periodically, and maintained in a centralized historical file. A control system should be
established to account for all copies and ensure all new procedures are included in the historical files. A
designated period of time for maintaining historical files should be established. ANSI/HPS N13.6, Practice
for Occupational Radiation Exposure Records Systems (ANSI/HPS 1999) provides guidance on
maintain ing historical files. In addition, radiation protection procedures should have a documented
approval system and established intervals for review and/or revision. A tracking system should be
developed to ensure that the required reviews and revisions occur. Guidance for writing procedures can be
found in DOE/NE/SP-0001T, Writer's Guide for Technical Procedures (DOE 1991a).
Management Commitment
Management commitment to safety is the most important characteristic of an effective radiological
control program. If the management commitment to safety is strong, the radiological control program will
be valued and respected. The radiological control program should be provided adequate authority to permit
performance of necessary assignments and program implementation. Management commitment to the
ALARA concept is particularly important (see Article 111 of the RCS). Adequate personnel, equipment,
and funding should be available as a part of this commitment.
Radiological Control Organization
The radiological control organization should be structured so that all of the activities required to
provide support to line management and workers can be accomplished.
Radiological Control Organization Independence and Reporting Level
The radiological control organization should be independent of the line organization responsible
for production, operation, or research activities and should have an equivalent reporting level. Because
radiological control personnel should have the authority to balance operations with safety, they should not
report directly to the administrators of operations. When shift work is involved, the operations shift
supervisor may make minor radiological control decisions in support of the shift's Radiological Control
Technicians (RCTs); however, decisions involving basic policies and procedures should be directed to a
separate radiological control organization.
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