| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities
TLD chips of lithium fluoride (0.32 cm x 0.32 cm) are about 240 mg/cm2 thick. Significant
attenuation of the beta field takes place through the body of the chip. As a result, these types of TLD
chips under-respond to uranium decay betas by a factor of about 2.
Other TLD systems minimize this problem by adhering a thin layer of TL powder onto a plastic
backing. Current TLD personnel dosimeters typically use multiple detectors (typically, four) under
different filter thicknesses. The different responses of each element are used as input to an algorithm
which provides an estimate of the effective radiation energy and the doses at depths of interest.
Detectors that are very thin minimize energy-dependence. Film detectors demonstrate a high
energy-response dependence for low-energy photons, as well as beta energy-response dependence
(though the beta response is less variable than that of TLD chips).
Current systems could potentially provide accurate and precise information; however, their
complexity can lead to problems. Calibration of these systems should be performed by a person with
specific expertise in the detector's system and knowledge of badge response to high beta or mixed beta
and gamma radiation fields.
6.4.2 Angular Dependence
The dosimeter elements must be mounted in a badge or element holder. The assembled badge
usually displays severe angular dependence. Fortunately, in most cases, a worker's normal movements will
tend to average out some of this dependence. Some badge holder arrangements can flip the badge
completely over so that the "beta window" of the badge is facing the worker, not the source. The design of
the badge holder or strict administrative controls should be utilized to minimize this problem.
6.4.3 Dosimetry Practices
Beta and gamma fields in working areas should be well-characterized. See previous figures and
tables as examples. An attempt should be made to correlate survey instrument and dosimeter badge results.
Badge reading frequency should be long enough to accumulate a significant dose (100-mrem range) and
short enough to allow adequate control. Dosimeter change frequencies can vary with the specific work-site
Although multiple badging is not usually necessary, it should be considered for use in very high
beta fields produced by separated uranium decay products. The dosimetry system used shall meet or be
specifically excepted from DOELAP standards (10 CFR 835.402(b)) and be specifically designated for
measuring both shallow and deep doses from uranium.
Dosimetry systems should be capable of providing routine results within a reasonable time
period. The system of badge collection and re-distribution should be well defined and minimize the
possibility of lost badges.
Badge reading systems should have established "action levels" to alert technicians or operators
of unusual results. Such results should include readings or TLD element ratios in excess of certain levels.
If possible, the system should automatically save glow curves of any unusual results.
The potential for badge contamination should be minimized. Where the potential for badge
contamination exists, badges should be frequently checked for contamination.
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