| DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
disposal to identify problems. Each one of the 18 topics addressed in DOE Order 5480.19 should be
subject to both internal self-assessment and external auditing to assure effective implementation of
requirements. Any deficiencies identified should be documented and corrective actions aggressively
pursued and tracked to completion. The self-assessment and audit process should include conducting
trend analyses and root cause evaluations of deficiencies and communication of results throughout the
organization. Decommissioning of Weapons and Weapon Facilities
Decommissioning of nuclear weapons and nuclear facilities is subject to the same conduct of
operations requirements as operating facilities. In general, some components, once they are separated, can
be downgraded in safety significance. Also, facilities undergoing decommissioning will have fewer safety
During decommissioning, status control and shift turnover are extremely important considerations.
Posting of radiological areas and labeling of radioactive materials are also an increasing challenge because
of the rapidly changing radiological status. In extreme cases, it may be desirable to have workers review or
sign the RWP each day to ensure they are aware of the status.
3.3.3 Integrated Safety Management
The radiological control program should be developed and implemented in a manner that is consistent with
the DOE approved Radiation Protection Program required by 10 CFR 835.101 and the requirements of
DOE Policy P 450.4, Safety Management System Policy (DOE 1996a), and its associated guidance
documents. The RPP should describe a system of radiological controls that can be implemented on a site-
wide basis and tailored to meet facility-and hazard-specific needs. The program should provide for
increasing worker involvement in identification and implementation of appropriate controls. Like the
ALARA process, an effective integrated safety management system emphasizes the development and
implementation of controls that are commensurate with the hazards associated with any specified activity.
Under ISM, both DOE and DOE-contractor line managers are charged with responsibility for integrating
safety measures into all facets of work planning and execution. Line managers at uranium facilities should
use the RCS and this TS as a guide to integrating radiological control measures into work planning and
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