| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities
than disposing of it. Any waste package designs need to be reviewed to ensure compliance with all
applicable waste management requirements.
b. Temporary contamination enclosures are effective in controlling contamination during size
reduction of large equipment such as glove boxes. Any loose contamination on the equipment
should be fixed prior to placing it in the enclosure.
Criticality safety issues should be considered regarding the geometry of any waste
material containing fissile material.
D&D operations must be prepared for changes in regulatory criteria and implementation
of these new criteria.
During decommissioning operations, personnel need to recognize the possibility of
encountering elevated levels of contamination in unexpected locations such as the
Bernhardt et al. (1989) stressed the importance of establishing and documenting criteria
for implementing regulations. For example, in meeting surface contamination guidelines,
it is important to establish the acceptable detection efficiency of the detector and areas for
averaging measurements.
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