| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities
DOELAP: The Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditation Program defines a set of reference
performance tests and provides a description of the minimum levels of acceptable performance for
personnel dosimetry systems and radiobioassay programs under DOE-STD-1111-98 (DOE 1998b).
(External Dosimetry Program Guide )
dose: The general term for absorbed dose, dose equivalent, effective dose equivalent, committed dose
equivalent, committed effective dose equivalent, or total effective dose equivalent as defined in 10 CFR
835. (10 CFR 835)
exposure: The general condition of being subjected to ionizing radiation, such as by exposure to
ionizing radiation from external sources or to ionizing radiation sources inside the body. In this
document, exposure does not refer to the radiological physics concept of charge liberated per unit mass
of air. (Internal Dosimetry Guide )
fixed contamination: Radioactive material that has been deposited onto a surface and cannot be readily
removed by nondestructive means, such as casual contact, wiping, brushing, or laundering. Fixed
contamination does not include radioactive material that is present in a matrix, such as soil or cement, or
radioactive material that has been induced in a material through activation processes. (RCS)
fixed-location sampler: An air sampler located at a fixed location in the workplace.
grab sampling: A single sample removed from the workplace air over a short time interval, typically
less than 1 hour.
high contamination area: Any area, accessible to individuals, where removable surface contamination
levels exceed or are likely to exceed 100 times the removable surface contamination values specified in
appendix D of 10 CFR 835. (10 CFR 835)
high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter: Throwaway extended pleated medium dry-type filter with
1) a rigid casing enclosing the full depth of the pleats, 2) a minimum particle removal efficiency of 99.97%
for thermally generated monodisperse di-octyl phlalate smoke particles with a diameter of 0.3 m, and 3) a
maximum pressure drop of 1.0-in. w.g. when clean and operated at its rated airflow capacity. (RCS).
high radiation area: Any area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels could result in an
individual receiving a deep dose equivalent in excess of 0.1 rem (0.001 sievert) in 1 hour at 30 cm from
the radia tion source or from any surface that the radiation penetrates. (10 CFR 835)
intake: The amount of radionuclide taken into the body by inhalation, absorption through intact skin,
injection, ingestion, or through wounds. Depending on the radionuclide involved, intakes may be
reported in units of mass (e.g., g, mg) , activity (e.g., Ci, Bq) , or potential alpha energy (e.g., MeV, J)
units. (Internal Dosimetry Program Guide )
minimum detectable amount/activity (MDA): The smallest amount (activity or mass) of an analyte in a
sample that will be detected with a probability, B, of non- detection (Type II error) while accepting a
probability, α , of erroneously deciding that a positive(non- zero) quantity of analyte is present in an
appropriate blank (Type I error). The MDA is computed using the same value of α as used for the
decision level (DL). The MDA depends on both α and B. Measurement results are compared to the DL,
not the MDA; the MDA is used to determine whether a program has adequate detection capability. The
MDA will be greater than or equal to the DL. (Internal Dosimetry Program Guide )
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