| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
_ Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
are calculated by multiplying the intake (nCi) by the intake retention fraction (IRF) and by a correction
factor of 2,220 dpm/nCi, where intake is the dose limit divided by a calculated dose conversion factor
(rem/nCi). For class D uranium, the dose limit goal is based on the 50-rem committed dose equivalent
(CDE) for bone surfaces; the other dose limit goals are based on the 0.1-rem CEDE monitoring
threshold. The dose conversion factors used for Tables 5-1 through 5-3 are given in Table 5-4.
There may be circumstances in which the measurement technology is not available to provide the
sensitivities required for the 0.1 rem goal using routine, periodic measurements at reasonable
frequencies. Therefore, because the goal of 0.1 rem CEDE cannot be met through routine bioassay, the
radiation protection organization should take the following administrative actions:
ensure that adequate control measures are applied to prevent intakes,
document the adequate control measures for auditing purposes,
upgrade bioassay measurement systems and workplace monitoring practices to provide state-of-
the-art measurements, and
ensure that internal dose assessments use state -of-the-art technology.
All confirmed occupational intakes of uranium, regardless of magnitude, should be assessed. The
results of all bioassay and other measurements needed to demonstrate the quality of measurements and
dose assessment should be recorded and maintained. The recording and reporting requirements for
internal dosimetry data are set forth in Section 3.7 of this technical standard
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