| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
material at the source and prevention of the generation of contamination are generally more effective and
less costly than remediation.
Contamination control should be achieved primarily by physical design features, including
engineering controls (see the discussion above), such as containment, confinement, and ventilation control.
Only if the primary controls fail or if there is a potential for personnel contamination during an activity
are administrative controls such as protective clothing and respirators advisable.
4.3.1 Monitoring Philosophy
Although the primary hazard to personnel from uranium is from internal exposure, contamination is
also of concern because of potential skin doses. Additionally, an objective of the contamination control
program is to confine uranium contamination to production/work areas and to minimize, to the extent
practicable, any spread of contamination to areas outside the plant or to the public. Therefore, guidelines
for allowable contamination on personnel and personal clothing/shoes both inside the plant and prior to
exiting radiological areas are required. Also, a personnel monitoring program must be developed with
adequate monitoring equipment and sensitivity to provide assurance that contamination is effectively
controlled. The guidelines should be developed considering the following factors:
a. the need to prevent detectable activity from appearing outside the controlled area,
b. the degree of risk to the health of the employees, their families, and the public from
contamination removed from the plant,
c. the technical feasibility of measurement of the guide levels,
d. commitment to the policy of keeping contamination to the minimum practical level, and
e. the presence of other radionuclides due to the presence of recycled uranium contaminants or
uranium daughters.
4.3.2 Monitoring Program
Instrumentation should be provided and persons entering a uranium work station should be required to
survey themselves at established frequencies. As a minimum, workers should survey their gloves and
coverall sleeves each time they are withdrawn from a glove box (or similar containment system) and after
each glove replacement or bag-out operation.
In addition to mandatory monitoring at the exit to areas controlled for contamination, personnel
monitoring for contamination should be mandatory at the egress from controlled areas and be conducted
in a verifiable manner. Assurance should be provided that personnel are monitored prior to breaks, meals,
or exits from the plant site. Portal monitors, hand-and-shoe counters, and/or portable survey instruments
may be used for this purpose. If employees are instructed to perform self-monitoring, the equipment
should be set up in a "go/no- go" mode and employees should be clearly instructed in the required actions
to take if predetermined action levels are exceeded. Frequent audits should be performed to verify that
controls are adequate. Limiting the number of egress points and controlling personnel movement can
minimize the numbers of locations where positive control of personnel monitoring must be maintained.
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