| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
This chapter presents basic radiological and chemical properties of uranium and discusses the basis
for current control limits. A variety of materials are inherent to uranium handling processes and hazards
characteristic of these materials and processes. The data and discussions are intended to provide a basis
for understanding the changes in hazards as a function of such parameters as enrichment, physical form,
and chemical form.
decay products. Uranium is relatively abundant in nature. The primary isotopes of uranium are long-
lived alpha-emitters with energies between 4.15 and 4.8 MeV. Their progeny include numerous other
radionuclides, some of which are radiologically significant at uranium facilities, the degree of
significance depending upon the history of the uranium materials and the processing.
Through proper processing, uranium can be used as a fuel in nuclear reactors to generate electricity
on a commercially-viable scale. The 235U isotope is readily fissioned by slow, "thermal" neutrons with
the release of a large amount of energy. The percentage of 235U present (referred to as "enrichment")
determines the fuel reactivity and the criticality hazard of the material. By concentrating the amount of
the 235U isotope in the uranium, the quantity of fuel and the size of the reactor needed for production
decreases. This concentration of natural uranium to enriched uranium is carried out by special processes
such as gaseous diffusion, centrifuging, or laser separation. The uranium by-product of the enrichment
process is reduced in 235U content and is called "depleted" uranium. Uranium is commonly classified by
its 235U enrichment as natural uranium, enriched uranium, or depleted uranium.
Uranium-235 fissions after capturing a thermal (very low energy) neutron. Its fission thermal cross-
section (probability of interaction) is 577 barns (Stehn et al. 1965). Its neutron capture cross section is
101 barns. After capturing a fast neutron, 238U undergoes two successive beta decays to 239Pu which will
also undergo thermal fission (thermal cross-section = 741 barns). Pressurized heavy-water reactors
2.1.1 Isotopic Characterization
radioactive decay by alpha particle emission. The 235U isotope (and 234U to a much lesser degree and at
lower energy) emits gamma radiation as well. The natural abundances of these uranium isotopes, as
well as the weight percentages of the isotopes in enriched (typic al commercial nuclear power reactor
enrichment) and depleted uranium, are listed in Table 2-1.
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