| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
An effective radiation protection program at a uranium facility requires scrupulous attention to
controlling both internal and external doses. The radiation protection program should ensure the detection
and quantification of all types of radiation (i.e., alpha, beta, neutron, gamma, and x-ray) over wide energy
ranges. The radiation detection instruments should be properly calibrated and routinely checked. Emphasis
should be on establishing controls for internal and external radiation exposure using ALARA guidelines.
Prompt and accurate assessment is important in determining each individual's dose and in establishing an
accurate historical record. This section defines the basis for establishing a comprehensive radiation
protection program.
DOE has established occupational radiation protection regulations in 10 CFR 835, Occupational
Radiation Protection. DOE has provided supporting and clarifying guidance in the DOE G 441.1 series of
Guides, DOE-STD-1098-99, Radiological Control, and DOE Radiological Control Technical Positions.
Other related source documents include publications of the EPA, ANSI, ICRP, NCRP, and UNSCEAR.
Individual states may also have their own radiological control regulations, with equivalent or more
restrictive requirements than the Federal regulations.
An effective radiation protection program consists of a group of related and integrated functional
elements. The documentation that describes the DOE activity's program to control occupational radiation
protection is referred to as the documented radiation protection program (RPP). Although the actual titles
and contents of the functional elements are left to the discretion of DOE's operating entities, DOE G
441.1-1A , Management and Administration of Radiation Protection Programs (DOE 2003a), suggests the
following, based on the content of 10 CFR 835:
Organization and Administration
ALARA Program
External Dosimetry Program
Internal Dosimetry Program
Area Monitoring and Control
Radiological Controls
Emergency Exposure Situations
Nuclear Accident Dosimetry
Reports to Individuals
Radiation Safety Training
Each of these functional elements is discussed in more detail below.
3.2.1 Organization and Administration
This functional element addresses the overall administration of the program, including the
documented RPP itself, various organizational and institutional issues, and program assessment. DOE G
441.1-1A and the RCS provide detailed guidance on implementing these requirements.
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