| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
atmosphere without passing through a tube, orifice, or other obstruction. This precludes loss of the
radionuclide to surfaces upstream from the filter. The holder should face downward to avoid collection of
large, non- inhalable particles, unless a different position is required. Closed-face cassettes are
recommended for small PAS, to protect the filter from direct contamination. Research studies of
commonly-available types of closed-face cassettes with 4-mm inlets indicate that these designs have good
particle -collection characteristics (at a flow rate of 2 L min-1) and reduce sample contamination problems.
Other closed-face filter inlet diameters, geometries, and flow rates may also be acceptable, but have not
been characterized.
The filter should receive adequate support so that it is not stretched or torn by the pressure drop
caused by the flow of sample air. The filter holder should be free of air leakage around the filter as well as
into or through the holder's component parts. Metallic filter holders are generally more reliable and
durable than plastics. Finally, filter-changing and holder replacement should be convenient and positive.
Size -Selective Devices
Size-selective devices fall into two categories: respirable -fraction samplers and instruments for
measuring particle -size distributions. A respirable -fraction sampler collects a range of particle sizes, with
collection efficiency decreasing for larger particle sizes. Particles that penetrate the size-selector
represent those that would deposit in the pulmonary region of the lungs. A particle -size distribution
instrument collects all particles with classification of particle size. Size-distribution data can be used to
calculate the expected deposition of particles throughout the respiratory tract.
Particle -Sizing Devices. Particle -size distribution measuring devices are typically more complex
and require more sample analysis than a size-selective sampler. The major advantage in using these
devices is that the size distribution of airborne contaminants is useful for estimating regional deposition of
inhaled particles in the respiratory tract. This information is more accurate than that provided by a simple
size-selective sampler, especially if a large part of the airborne material has particle size less than about 2
m. Particle -size measurement should be performed only by properly trained individuals, as an
investigative tool for evaluating the health hazard posed by a process or procedure suspected of generating
airborne contamination.
The cascade impactor is the most commonly available particle -sizing device. Aerosol passing through
a cascade impactor is forced through a series of increasingly rapid changes of velocity. The inertia of the
particles causes them to deviate from the direction of the airstream at locations where the particle speed
and direction are changing most rapidly. Particles of different aerodynamic size deflect to different extents
so that larger particles contact the surface of the collection stage. The quantity of material deposited on
each stage is measured and the size distribution calculated for the sampled aerosol.
There are some drawbacks to the use of impactors. Cascade impactors subdivide the sample so that
more sensitive assay methods may be required for successful use. There is a limit to the mass of material
that can be collected on each stage before overloading; inactive dust particles contribute to this mass, but
not to the analyte. Each stage of the impactor is a separate fraction of the sample which must be
analyzed. This multiplies sample number-capacity requirements of the activity measurement system.
Careful calibration of a precisely controlled airflow rate is required for accurate particle -size
Optical particle -sizing instruments, such as a laser particle -size spectrometer, have the advantage of
giving practically real time information. Most of these instruments give only an optical particle size,
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