| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
Medical Notification Level
Nasal or mouth smears
Facial contamination
Skin breaks or wounds
The decision to administer treatment and the treatment protocol are solely the responsibilities of the
physician in charge. The basic principle is that the proposed intervention should do more good than harm
(Gerber and Thomas 1992).
Guidelines for the medical intervention of a radionuclide intake can be found in several publications.
NCRP Report No. 65 (NCRP 1980) and the joint publication of the Commission on European
Communities (CEC) and the DOE Guidebook for the Treatment of Accidental Internal Radionuclide
Contamination of Workers (Gerber and Thomas 1992) both contain detailed guidance in intervention and
medical procedures useful in mitigating radiation overexposures. The CEC/DOE Guidebook has been
based on the ALI for action levels, rather than on CEDE, to overcome the proble m of uncertainties in dose
per unit intake. The ICRP recommends in Publication 60 a limit of 2-rem/y (20-mSv/y) on effective dose.
Thus, the ALIs found in ICRP Publication 61 (1991b) and used in the CEC/DOE Guidebook noted above
are those which would provide a CEDE of 2-rem/y instead of current U.S. regulations of 5-rem/y.
Guidance in the CEC/DOE Guidebook can be summarized as follows:
When the estimated intake is below 1 ALI, treatment should not be considered.
When the estimated intake is between 1 and 10 times the ALI, treatment should be considered.
Under these situations, short-term administration will usually be appropriate, except for intake of
materials poorly transported from the lung (class Y).
When the estimated intake exceeds 10 times the ALI, then extended or protracted treatment
should be implemented, except for materials poorly transported from the lung.
For poorly transported material in the lung, lung lavage is the only recommended treatment, and it
is only a consideration for intakes exceeding 100 times the ALI.
Because the dose associated with the ALI in the CEC/DOE Guidebook is 2-rem CEDE and because
the upper administrative control level suggested by the RCS is 2 rem, intervention levels of 2 rem and 20
rem might be used for guidance in the manner presented in the CEC/DOE Guidebook:
When the CEDE estimated intake is below 2 rem, treatment is not generally recommended.
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