| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilities
For acute intakes, direct bioassay measurements should be taken before, during, and after the period of
rapid clearance of activity. Urine and fecal samples collected after known or suspected inhalation incidents
should also be used to estimate the magnitude of the intake. Initial assessments of intakes from
contaminated wounds are based primarily on wound count and urinalysis data.
If a significant intake is indicated, the worker should not return to further potential exposure to
uranium until the intake has been thoroughly assessed and a predictable bioassay pattern established.
This is particularly important because a new intake of a very low level may confound the interpretation
of bioassay measurements for previous intakes of uranium.
Table 5 -17. Early Bioassay Measurement Results Corresponding to the Therapeutic Intervention
Action Levels Used at the Hanford Site (Carbaugh et al., 1995)
Isot ope and Dose
Uranium, Soluble
Potential kidney
Na or Ca bicarbonate;
Chest count
>MDA (14-21 mg)
Consider therapy
intestinal adsorbents
Second-void urine
>0.1 mg
12-hour urine sample
>0.5 mg
Uranium Insoluble(a)
U or
2 rem
Chest count
>MDA for
Consider therapy
None recommended
Treatment strongly
200 rem
100 x ALI
Lung lavage
(a) If soluble component is present, then urine sampling is approp riate. Use same action levels as above for soluble uranium.
The health physicist must make important decisions for prompt action at the site of an accidental or
suspected intake of uranium or other radioactive materials. Often, these decisions must be based on
limited data. Information that may be available for initially estimating the amount and type of intake may
include the following:
levels of measured contamination in the work area,
skin contamination levels, affected areas, and whether the skin is damaged or punctured,
wound contamination levels,
chemical form of the material involved,
results of air monitoring,
nasal smear activity levels, and
sputum and/or mouth contamination.
The special bioassay monitoring program is initiated following a known or suspected intake. This
information is needed for dose assessment and future exposure management. The intake is confirmed if
follow-up bioassay measurements indicate positive measurement results. Additional bioassay
measurements may be needed to quantify the intake and provide data for determining the effective dose
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