| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
_ Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Uranium Facilitie s
Table 5 -5. Minimum Uranium Bioassay Monitoring(a,b)
Processes in open room on bench
0.5 kg(d)
320 Ci
top, with possible escape from
process vessels
Process with possible escape of
uranium that are carried out within a
5 kg
3,200 Ci
fume hood of adequate design, face
velocity, and performance reliability
Process carried out within
gloveboxes that are ordinarily
closed, but with possible release
50 kg
32,000 Ci
from process vessels and occasional
exposure to contaminated box and
(a) From ANSI/HPS 1995.
(b) Values chosen as conservative for any transportability class or mixture of isotopes of uranium.
For a particular type of operation, the value of mass or activity that is more restrictive for the
mixture should be used.
U (see Appendix A.2 of ANSI/HPS 1995).
(c) Obtained from DAC values for pure
(d) From ANSI/HPS 1995, Appendix A.1.
Selection of Bioassay Monitoring Techniques
Bioassay monitoring techniques fall into two broad categories: direct measurement of radioactive
materials in the body (in vivo counting) and analysis of material removed from the body for laboratory (in
vitro analysis). In vivo counting includes measurements of the chest, lung, skeleton, liver, and wounds. In
vitro measurements include urinalysis, fecal analysis, and occasionally analysis of tissue, sputum, or
blood samples. Methods for in vitro analysis include liquid scintillation counting, fluorescence
measurements, gamma spectrometry, chemical separation followed by electrodeposition, and counting
with radiation detectors. A brief overview of bioassay techniques and capabilities has been developed
(Selby et al. 1994). Further discussion of the techniques is provided below.
In addition, to ensure that adverse chemical toxicity effects are unlikely, bioassays for uranium
should be performed when intakes of 1 mg or more of soluble uranium are likely to occur in any one
work day (ANSI/HPS 1995). In Vivo Counting
Direct bioassay (in vivo counting) is the measurement of radiations emitted from radioactive
material taken into and deposited in the body. Direct bioassay is appropriate for detection and
measurement of photons emitted by uranium and its decay products. Lung, wound, and skeleton
counting are examples of in vivo monitoring most commonly used for uranium and its progeny.
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