| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities
The following text discusses the environmental, safety, and health challenges presented by the
introduction of recycled uranium into the DOE system for enrichment. Transuranics
Transuranics (neptunium and plutonium isotopes) exist in small quantities in reclaimed or
recycled feed materials. In most cases, a regimen of radiological controls based on uranium hazards is
adequate to control the additional activity. However, because of their higher specific activities
(compared to uranium isotopes), transuranics can represent a significant internal dose concern even at
very low mass concentrations. As a result, the ALIs for transuranics are lower than those for uranium
contributes 0.1% of the total alpha activity in uranium, then it will contribute roughly 14% of the total
inhalation dose equivalent (see Example 2). Example 2 illustrates that it takes only 11 parts of 239Pu
per billion parts of natural uranium to attain an activity fraction of 0.1%.
Radiological controls based solely on uranium content may provide insufficient protection with
increases in the TRU concentration. Processes to recover uranium from by-product streams recover
a portion of the impurities as well and may require additional controls to adequately protect
individuals when the TRU concentration exceeds 0.1%.
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