| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities
Several DOE facilities have adopted specifications on recycled uranium that limit the amount of
transuranic alpha activity to 0.1% of the total uranium alpha activity, thus limiting the potential inhalation
dose from transuranics to a small fraction of the total. Facilities that handle recycled uranium with higher
levels of transuranics should establish a regular program of analyzing feeds, products, and by-products for
transuranics, and then modifying control limits and action levels as appropriate to reflect the transuranic
content of those materials. This monitoring of the TRU content is essential when the analytical technique
used to identify the level of radiological control needed is based on gross alpha counting (such as for air
sampling), which does not distinguish the plutoniu m from the uranium fraction, or chemical analysis for
uranium (such as photofluorometric urinalysis) which does not detect plutonium.
Raffinate from refinery operations, MgF2 from metal production operations, and chemical traps from
UF6 operations have all been observed to have higher TRU-to-U ratios than either reactants/feeds or
uranium products. Frequently, reaction by-products are not discarded as wastes but are processed further to
recover the remaining uranium. When this occurs, a portion of the impurities is recovered along with the
uranium and can become a perpetual radiological control problem. All facilities that process recycled
uranium should periodically analyze feeds, products, and by- products for transuranics to ensure that
radiological controls are adequate for the mixtures of uranium and transuranic elements that are present.
The uranium isotopes (viewed as contaminants) that will increase due to the recycled uranium feed are
U, 234U, and 236U. The health and safety risks of 236U are similar to those of natural uranium because its
specific activity and radiation emissions are similar (See Table 2-2). Its presence in uranium fuel requires
slightly higher enrichments for the same reactor applications, however, because it absorbs neutrons. The
increased concentration of the 234U increases the specific activity of any enrichment of 235U. It is expected
that the specific activity for a given enrichment would be about double that obtained from enrichment of
non-recycled uranium.
The isotope in recycled uranium presenting the greatest potential radiological hazard from external
sources is 232U. 232U a daughter product of neutron activation of 231Pa. The health hazards of 232U are
primarily due to the rapid buildup of gamma activity of its decay products, particularly from 228Th. The
gamma activity buildup is both time- and process-dependent. The 232U decay products form nonvolatile
fluorides and will concentrate in cylinders when UF6 is vapor-fed. The gamma activity in equipment that
processes gaseous UF6 is a function of the mass fraction of 232U present in the gas phase. Estimates indicate
that the level of gamma activity within the enrichment cascade equipment would increase by about a factor
of 3 due to the presence of 232U. The exposure rates on internal surfaces would increase from 10-20 mrad/h
to 30-60 mrad/h; those on external surfaces would increase to about 3-4 mrad/h. The major exposure
increase from the 232U occurs in the handling of UF6 cylinders. Currently, the exposure rate at the external
surface of empty UF6 cylinders is about 50-100 mrad/h. Assuming a 232U concentration of 0.5 ppm based on
U and a feed enrichment of 1%, a full 10-ton feed cylinder would have a surface exposure rate of about
80 mrad/h. The exposure rate at 30 cm from the surface of an emptied cylinder would be about 500 mrad/h
without the shielding provided by material in the cylinder. These values are based on the 232U being in
secular equilibrium with its decay products; in reality, it is unlikely that the decay products would reach
much more than 50% of equilibrium values.
Product cylinders produced from processing of recycled uranium typically have higher gamma
radiation fields than the feed cylinders. At 4% 235U enrichment, the contribution from 232U over time could
increase the radiation field at the surface from 80 mrad/h to 300 mrad/h from a full 10-ton cylinder and
from 500 mrad/h at 30 cm to 2 rad/h from an empty cylinder. About half of this increase would be
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