| ![]() DOE-STD-1165-2003
For oral examinations and walkthroughs, qualifying officials or board members should
ask critical questions intended to integrate identified learning objectives during
qualification. Field Element Managers or designees should develop formal guidance for
oral examinations and walkthroughs that includes: the standards for qualification; the use
of technical advisors by a board; the questioning procedures or protocol; pass/fail criteria;
the board deliberation and voting authorization procedures; and the documentation
process. A board or qualifying official may conduct the oral interview as a group or
individually. The board should document explicitly any questions and answers that result
in an oral examination failure. Field Element Managers or their designees may require
the candidates who fail a written or oral examination to complete a special study program
designed to strengthen weaknesses revealed in the examination. Field Element Managers
or their designees may direct candidate reexaminations to verify the effectiveness of
actions taken to correct weak areas. Candidates who repeatedly fail examinations should
be reassigned to a non-technical position.
Aviation managers shall participate in continuing education and training as necessary to improve
their performance and proficiency and ensure that they stay up-to-date on changing technology
and new requirements. This may include courses and/or training provided by:
Department of Energy
Other government agencies
Outside vendors
Educational institutions
A description of suggested learning proficiency activities, and the requirements for the
continuing education and training program for aviation managers are included in Appendix A of
this document. [Note: Additions to Appendix A may be added at a later date.]
The following are the typical duties and responsibilities expected of DOE facility technical
personnel assigned to the Aviation Manager Functional Area:
A. Establishes goals for the field aviation program based on the anticipated requirements of the
Department, the field element, and other Departmental elements that may require aviation
B. Establishes standards for the aviation program that will ensure a safe, effective, secure, and
efficient operation.
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