| ![]() DOE-STD-1166-2003
Discuss 1) the establishment of cleanup levels, 2) the use of Applicable, or Relevant
and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs), and 3) "To-Be-Considered" (TBC) guidelines
at CERCLA sites.
Describe the circumstances under which RCRA hazardous waste and TSCA PCB
management and disposal requirements are applicable at CERCLA cleanup sites.
Describe the use of a Determination of No Further Action (DNFA).
22. D&D personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the development
and applicability of the following National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
EIS, Environmental Impact Statement
EA, Environmental Assessment
FONSI, Finding of No Significant Impact
CX, Categorical Exclusion
ROD, Re cord of Decision.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the purpose for each of the listed documents and the circumstances under
which each is used.
Discuss the requirements for each document and describe the process for reviewing
the listed documents.
Define "functional equivalent of NEPA compliance" and discuss when it is appropriate to
use it for D&D activities.
Complete a review of a NEPA document.
23. D&D personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the waste
management requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) to RCRA, and CERCLA/SARA.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the purpose and scope of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Provide exa mples of some of the hazardous wastes that may be generated during a
D&D project.
Discuss the requirements of 40CFR260, Hazardous Waste Management System -
General, through 40CFR270, EPA Administrated Permit Programs: The Hazardous
Waste Permit Program, as applied to D&D.
Describe the requirements of 40CFR273, Subpart A applicable to the management of
hazardous batteries, pesticides, and mercury-containing thermometers.
Describe the primary differences between RCRA Subtitle C and D landfills.
Discuss the general requirements for waste management (treatment, storage, and
disposal) at CERCLA sites.
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