| ![]() DOE-STD-1166-2003
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Define the following terms:
high-level waste
low-level waste
transuranic waste
mixed waste
low-specific activity.
Discuss the waste disposal significance to a D&D project created by generating low-
level mixed waste liquids determined to be between 10 to 100 nanocuries.
Discuss the Department's performance objectives and performance assessment for
disposal of low-level radioactive waste as outlined in DOE M 435.1-1, Radioactive
Waste Management.
Discuss waste characterization requirements and their relevance to disposal facility
waste acceptance criteria and to DOT transportation requirements.
27. D&D personnel shall demonstrate a working knowledge of the purpose and guidance
given in the following implementation guides supporting DOE O 430.1A, Life Cycle
Asset Management:
DOE G 430.1-5, Transition Implementation Guide
DOE G 430.1-2, Surveillance and Maintenance During Facility Disposition
DOE G 430.1-3, Deactivation Implementation Guide
DOE G 430.1-4, Decommissioning Implementation Guide.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the overall facility disposition process, including the transition, deactivation,
decommissioning, and surveillance and maintenance phases.
Discuss the purpose and applicability of each of the implementation guides.
Identify the top-level project management objectives that apply to facility disposition
Discuss the "end point methodology" as used in the detailed engineering planning of
facility disposition.
28. D&D personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of financial and project
management necessary to provide project oversight of D&D activities. (Ref. DOE
Order 413.3, Project Management, and 430.1A, Life Cycle Asset Management.)
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Define the term and discuss the process for developing a "Work Breakdown Structure"
(WBS) and a project schedule.
Define and compare the terms
"cost estimate", "budget", and "life cycle cost estimate"
"WBS" and project "scope"
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