| ![]() DOE-STD-1166-2003
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the various types of D&D surveys typically performed for planning and
implementation of D&D. For each type, discuss the purpose and scope, the users of
the results, and the process for planning and implementation.
Discuss the techniques for sampling and monitoring the environment that may be
needed during D&D. (For example, groundwater, air, runoff.)
Describe the purpose of a Quality Assurance Project Plan.
Describe the Environmental Protection Agency's Data Quality Objectives process, and
discuss its applicability to D&D activities.
Describe the purpose, scope, and application of the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and
Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM).
Demonstrate an understanding of a sampling plan including Data Quality Objectives
(DQO's), the review and approval process, quality assurance, and laboratory and
equipment certifications and calibrations.
Discuss field measurement methods and instrumentation.
4. D&D pe rsonnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of safety practices
associated with construction, deactivation, and decommissioning of defense nuclear
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Explain basic safety practices used on construction sites. Include a discussion of the
purpose and importance of using hard hats, eye protection, and hearing protection.
Describe the basic operation and hazards associated with operating and the D&D of:
pneumatic systems
hydraulic systems.
Describe planning and implementation precautions to consider when determining if
systems, containers, and tanks are pressurized.
Describe the hazards associated with:
compressed air
compressed air tools
working with or near overhead cranes
portable power tools
confined spaces.
5. D&D personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of basic operations
and D&D fundamentals for utility and other infrastructure systems.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Discuss the use, key components, and any special D&D planning considerations for the
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