| ![]() DOE-STD-1167-2003
Acceptance Criteria for Supplied-Air Suits
1. Visual examination of suit (11.1)
The test operator shall examine the supplied-air suit worn by the suit tester to observe if the
suit contains any punctures, tears, seam separations, loose joints, and other defects. If any
such defects are found, the suit shall not be considered acceptable to provide protection to
workers against inhalation of harmful atmospheres. This examination shall also be carried
out on a laundered suit if the DOE contractor has submitted such a suit.
2. Manufacturer instructions and quality assurance program review (11.1)
The donning, operation, maintenance, storage, and the manufacturer or contractor's quality
assurance program instructions pertaining to the supplied-air suit submitted by the DOE
contractor shall be examined and studied. If these instructions are considered inaccurate,
confusing, or incomplete, the suit shall not be considered acceptable for testing.
3. Aerosol penetration during exercise (12.0)
The supplied air suit shall be acceptable in regard to providing respiratory protection if the
average peak aerosol penetration into the helmet of the suit in the breathing zone of the suit
tester does not exceed 0.02 percent for any individual exercise or does not exceed 0.01
percent for all exercises. This shall be true for all values of the rate of airflow into the suit
ranging from the minimum value to the maximum value specified by the DOE contractor.
4. Crush resistance of air hose (13.0)
The breathing air hose shall be acceptable in regard to crush resistance if the lowest rate of
airflow through the hose during the application of the crushing force is not less than 90
percent of the original rate of airflow through the hose and if permanent deformation of the
hose does not occur because of the application of the crushing force. In addition, after
removal of the crush force, airflow must return to at least 95 percent of the original rate.
5. Kink resistance of air hose (14.0)
The breathing air hose shall be acceptable in regard to kink resistance if, during the process
of unfolding the single-coil loop of hose, the lowest rate of flow of air through the hose is
not less than 90 percent of the original rate of airflow through the hose and if localized
kinking of the hose does not occur.
6. Strength of air hose and couplings (15.0)
The strength of the breathing air hose and couplings of the supplied-air suit shall be
acceptable if, during the prescribed tests, breaking of the hose, separation of the hose and
couplings, and separation of components of couplings do not occur and if the lowest rate of
airflow through the hose and couplings is not less than 90 percent of the original rate of
airflow through the hose and couplings.
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