| ![]() DOE-STD-1167-2003
ANSI Z88.10-2001, American National Standard Respirator Fit Testing Methods
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials Method F739 part 46 1985
Chemical Protective Clothing Volume 1 1990
Compressed Gas Association, Commodity Specification for Air, G-7.1-1989
DOE O440.1A, Worker Protection Management for DOE Federal and Contractor
EN 340, Protective Clothing - General Requirements
EN 1073-1 (1998), Protective Clothing against Radioactive Contamination Requirements
and Test Methods for Ventilated Protective Clothing against Particulate Radioactive
EN 1146, Respiratory Protective Devices for Self-rescue - Self-contained Open-circuit
Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus Incorporating a Hood (compressed air escape
apparatus with hood) - Requirements, Testing, Marking
Guidelines for the Selection of Chemical Protective Clothing 3rd Edition February 1987
LA-10156-MS Acceptance-Testing Procedures for Air-Line Supplied-Air Suits (no longer
publicly available), 1984
NFPA 701-1989, Flame Resistant Textiles and Films
NUREG/CR-0041, Manual of Respiratory Protection against Airborne Radioactive
Material, 2001
ERAP Administration
Program Functions
The Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health (currently designated EH-1)
supports the ERAP through the Office of Health (currently designated EH-5). The following
organizations and individuals also have support functions: The ERAP Reviewer, Lead
Program Secretarial Officers (LPSOs), DOE field organization managers, and managers of
DOE and DOE contractor supplied-air suit and respiratory protection programs. The
functions of each are described below:
The Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health should:
maintain historical records of supplied-air suit test results and program
establish and communicates any ERAP policy, and
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