| ![]() DOE-STD-1167-2003
fluorescent powder over the entire exterior of the supplied-air suit. A blower
should be started to clear the chamber of suspended powder. After the
chamber has been cleared, the suit tester leaves the chamber and removes the
supplied-air suit, following the DOE contractor's standard removal procedure
for the supplied-air suit under test. After the supplied-air suit is removed, the
degree of contamination is determined using UV lights.
19.1.2 The coveralls worn by the suit tester should be full-body, long-sleeved, non-
ultraviolet fluorescing. Cloth hood, cloth booties, and gloves should be non-
ultraviolet fluorescing. Because fingernails are UV fluorescent, the gloves
must be opaque. The cloth hood, cloth booties, and gloves should be taped to
the coveralls with 2-in. non-ultraviolet fluorescing tape. The cloth hood, cloth
booties, and gloves are not removed during supplied-air suit removal since
they represent the skin and hair of the test subject.
19.1.3 If the supplied-air suit wearer normally wears gloves inside the supplied-air
suit, and, if these gloves are removed during supplied-air suit removal, they
should be cotton gloves. The rubber gloves usually worn cannot be used
because they are coated internally with talcum powder, which is UV
fluorescent. If rubber gloves are worn over the initial pair of gloves, talcum
powder could coat the initial pair of gloves and show up as contamination on
the final photographs.
19.1.4 Tape used to attach the suit tester's clothing must be 2-in.-wide non-
ultraviolet fluorescing tape.
19.1.5 Personal air sampler with AA Millipore filter should be installed.
19.1.6 Miscellaneous. All other articles of clothing or accessories should be supplied
by the DOE contractor and should be used according to the contractor's
standard operating procedures (SOPs).
19.1.7 Test Chamber. A special test chamber should be used that has a filtered
intake and exhaust, a variable speed exhaust blower, "glove box" gloves
installed in one wall, and a metered air supply. The gloves allow the test
operator to spray the supplied-air suit with the UV fluorescent powder. The
metered air supply is needed in order to supply breathing air to the supplied-
air suit being tested.
19.1.8 Spray Gun. A spray gun or equal device should be used to spray the small-
sized UV fluorescent powder onto the exterior of the supplied-air suit. The
spray gun should be used so that the operator has a directional spray and to
obtain an even and complete coating. A spray gun with a large orifice should
be used to avoid clogging while the UV fluorescent powder is being sprayed.
19.1.9 UV Detection Equipment. If desired, equipment capable of recording the
presence of the fluorescent powder on the suit tester can be utilized. The
equipment should be equal to a 4 by 5 inch speed graphic camera with a 121-
mm f:8 Schneider-Kreuznach Super Angular Lens to photograph the subject.
The light source should consist of six Speedotron strobe flash units or their
equivalent, synchronized with the camera shutter. Each lamp should be
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