| DOE-STD-1174-2003
protection) for subsequent entry into and decontamination of the above area.
Using reference material and given the activity, calculate radiation levels from a
point, line, and plane source.
Given buildup factors and half value layers, perform shielding calculations.
Using reference material and given a scenario including bioassay results, isotopic
and chemical form etc., calculate the internal dose to be assigned to an individual.
Radiation protection personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of
as-low-as-reasonably-achievable (ALARA) principles, and their application to
radiological work activities.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the various components of an effective ALARA program including
operations, engineering, and management controls.
Describe how optimization techniques, including cost-benefit analysis, are used in
the ALARA process.
Discuss the essential elements of the job planning process and the post-job ALARA
review for work performed in a radiation or radioactive contamination area.
Describe the various radiological performance indicators that are applicable to the
ALARA process.
Calculate person-rem estimates and use the results in ALARA cost-benefit analysis.
Discuss methods to minimize Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) by evaluating
the trade-offs in considering the internal and external dose components.
Using knowledge of ALARA principles, discuss how to perform an evaluation of a
radiation job plan and the associated worker job performance.
Radiation protection personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of
the application of engineered radiological controls and facility design, including
containment/confinement systems.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Discuss the general principles relating to the design and installation of radiation
protection containment/confinement systems including the following radiological
protection considerations:
Layout design for nuclear facilities
Design and selection of components for nuclear facilities
Selection of materials and the associated surfaces for components used in
radiological control areas
Design, construction, and operation of containment/confinement systems to
minimize internal radiation exposure including:
Engineered ventilation
Engineered containment
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