| ![]() DOE-STD-1187-2005
the Unique ID and Site Code, selected fields in all the data sets must be populated
every time data are submitted. These fields are indicated by * in the tables.
8. QUALITY ASSURANCE: The Data Center performs edit and logic checks on the
data as part of its quality assurance procedures. The unique identification number of a
record submitted for the medical surveillance, work history and exposure data sets
must match a unique identification number of a record in the Roster data set. The
integrity of the Activities and Exposure Data Set is achieved by maintaining the
chronological order of a worker's job history. The Data Center will prepare a list of
edit checks and furnish these to the data coordinator so that inconsistencies and errors
can be resolved. Copies of the data files will be provided to the data coordinator for
their review to determine if the tables are consistent with the information submitted.
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