| ![]() DOE-STD-1187-2005
3.1.6. Race: Provide race if captured by the site.
3.1.7. Employer Type: Indicate the worker's current employment type as
federal, contractor, sub-contractor, or visitor. Primary subcontractors
to a site integrating contractor are considered a contractor for the
Registry. Visitors include visiting scientists, graduate students,
research collaborators, etc.
3.1.8. First Hire on Site Date: Provide the date that the worker was hired
for the first time to work on the current DOE site (MM/DD/YYYY).
Personnel records for current workers normally are transferred to
successive contractors for a number of reasons and in particular in
order to calculate employee benefits. Personnel departments should
have this information. Medical records for current workers likewise
are transferred to successive medical surveillance providers. The date
of the worker's first medical examination should be in the current
medical files and may be a reasonable surrogate for the date first hired
to work on the current site if the true date is not available.
3.1.9. Year Employment Ended: Provide the year (YYYY) that the worker
separated from employment at the site. Current workers should have a
blank (null) value in this field. The value should remain blank (null) if
the employee transfers to a different employer on site. The year of the
employee's termination medical examination may be a reasonable
surrogate if the true date is not available.
3.1.10. Death Date: Date on which worker's death occurred. Provide in
MM/DD/YYYY format if possible.
3.1.11. Immediate Cause: Text describing the immediate cause of death.
Abstract the "immediate cause of death" section from the death
3.1.12. First Cause: Text describing the first contributing cause of death.
Abstract the first "due to or as a consequence of" section from the
death certificate.
3.1.13. Second Cause: Text describing the second contributing cause of
death. Abstract the second "due to, or as a consequence of" section
from the death certificate.
3.1.14. Other Cause: Text describing other significant conditions identified
as contributing cause(s) of death, but not related to the immediate
cause of death.
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