| ![]() DOE-STD-1187-2005
4.4.2. Unique ID: This is an encrypted identification number unique to each
beryllium-associated worker. It is assigned by the site and is used to
link multiple records to one worker. Every record submitted to the
Data Center must include the Unique ID. Sites enrolled in the IISP
should use the workers' IISP identifiers as the Unique ID.
4.4.3. Status Code: Indicates whether this is a new record (N) or a delete
record (D) in the beryllium-related medical surveillance data for
spirometry results. To make corrections to a previously submitted
record the site should submit both a delete record (D) and a
corresponding new record (N) that will replace the deleted record for
the worker. The aggregate spirometry results data may contain more
than one record for each date reported for a worker. Therefore, a
delete record (D) requires matching values for the Site Code, Unique
ID, Spirometry Date, and all 4 spirometry results. Each delete record
will apply to only one record in the data table, so if the site wishes to
delete multiple records it should supply the proper number of delete
4.4.4. Spirometry Date: Date the spirometry test was administered
4.4.5. FVC: Spirometry result. FVC is "forced vital capacity" and is
reported as percent of normal expected for a person of the worker's
size, age, and gender. Give value as a decimal, e.g. 0.75.
4.4.6. FEV1: Spirometry result. FEV1.0 is the "forced expiratory volume at
1.0 second" and is reported as percent of normal expected for a person
of the worker's size, age, and gender. Give value as a decimal.
4.4.7. FEV1/FVC: Results should be available with the FVC and FEV1 test
results. This is typically reported as a decimal number.
4.4.8. FEV2575: Spirometry result. FEV.25-.75 is the "forced expiratory
volume between 25% and 75% of the total forced expiratory volume"
and is reported as percent of normal expected for a person of the
worker's size, age, and gender. Give as a decimal.
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