| DOE-STD-1190-2007
Disability Retirement
Data Element Name
*Site Code
A unique code that identifies the site. Site code
is provided by ORISE Data Center.
*Unique ID
Unique worker identification number associated
with each worker in order to link records. ID to
be determined by site. The unique ID number is
never changed for a worker and is never
reassigned, should a worker leave the workforce.
A worker who leaves the workforce and later
returns should receive his/her original
identification number.
*Record status
New, Change, Delete. Accepted values: N,C,D
*Term date
Date worker terminated employment
Narrative description of the illness or injury
resulting in disability retirement
*Data elements marked with an asterisk indicate required fields.*
Death of an Active Worker (DEA). The date and cause of death of an
actively employed worker are reportable, when available. This information is usually
obtained from the death certificate or other reliable data source. Family members are
often required to submit copies of death certificates to the appropriate Human
Resources Office when they apply for survivor benefits, and these death certificates
can also assist determination of cause of death. Submit the following information:
Death of an active worker
Data Element Name
*Site Code
A unique code that identifies the site. Site code
is provided by ORISE Data Center.
*Unique ID
Unique worker identification number
associated with each worker in order to link
records. ID to be determined by site. The
unique ID number is never changed for a
worker and is never reassigned, should a
worker leave the workforce. A worker who
leaves the workforce and later returns should
receive his/her original identification number.
*Record status
New, Change, Delete. Accepted values: N,C,D
*Date of death
This the date of death of the employee
*Immediate cause of death
The immediate cause of death is the disease
(condition) or complication that occurred
closest to the time of death.
*Data elements marked with an asterisk indicate required fields.*
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